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Vacation Bible School

VBS happens once each summer and it is hosted by Elfrida Baptist! This is one of the biggest events that Elfrida puts on! Kids from all over Cochise County come to join the fun and learn about God's word! Each year is accompanied by a different theme taught by youth and adults to the younger generation. 
Craft Time

Craft Time



All the kids!

All the kids!

We all pose for the camera! Look at all of those smiles! :)



The most important thing in Arizona

Snack time!

Snack time!

My favorite time of the day!

Worship time

Worship time

All of the kids love singing out Gods Praises!

End of the day

End of the day

Game Time

Game Time

Group Picture

Group Picture

Another Group Picture

Another Group Picture

Jake has a friend :)

Jake has a friend :)

Story Time

Story Time

Look at all of those silly people

Look at all of those silly people



All of the kids added their names to the cross

Crafting it up

Crafting it up

Trusting God helps

Trusting God helps

...Us stand strong!



As always in costume and looking good!

Preparing some snacks!

Preparing some snacks!

Anna has a friend too! :)

Anna has a friend too! :)

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